7 Ιουλίου 2024

    Καταδίκη σε θάνατο για τους ευάλωτους ασθενείς στη Γάζα

    The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm as local health authorities in Gaza face the inevitable: the inability to transport critically ill patients from hospitals in the northern area due to the Israeli military’s evacuation order for civilians to move to the south. According to WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic, this would amount to a “death sentence” for these people, who are surviving only thanks to mechanical support. Demanding that health workers accept such a reality is simply inhumane and unspeakably brutal.

    The crisis that has erupted in Gaza and the inspection order to move south threatens the lives of hundreds of seriously ill people who depend on hospital support. Limited access to mechanical support and essential medicines and equipment raises concern for their survival as there are no alternatives at this critical time.

    The shock caused by the threat is overburdening hospitals in the south, which are already facing severe problems and limited resources. The risk of the health system collapsing is dangerously high, with incalculable consequences for the citizens who turn to it for help.

    The world cannot remain silent in the face of this extraordinary crisis that threatens so many human lives. It is the duty of all of us to recognize the gravity of the situation and to respond with solidarity and concerted efforts to provide the help that is needed. Time is pressing and the lives of the people fighting for their survival are in danger. Let us unite to ensure that none of these people are abandoned to their fate.


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